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Redonda is a very small, uninhabited Caribbean island or islet which
is politically a part (a dependency) of the nation of Antigua and
Barbuda, in the Leeward Islands, West Indies.
This small island lies 56.2 km (34
Redonda is essentially one very large rock. It is the remnant of an
ancient volcanic core, and the land rises extremely steeply from sea
level, mostly as sheer cliffs. Although to Columbus the island
deposits of Redonda were mined for fertiliser, with an annual yield of
up to 7,000 tons. Only during this time was the island inhabited, by
workers. The population was 120 in 1901. During the First World War,
Redonda is internationally known, in a minor way, as a micronation,
because of the curious on-going myth of the "Kings of Redonda", a
story which interweaves fact and fiction. According to a (possibly
imaginary) version of events, first recounted decades later by M.P
the idea of the "Kingdom of Redonda" and that was in a promotional
leaflet for his books. Since then, the title has been "passed down",
and continues to the present day. For a period of time the "Royal"
The "Kingdom of Redonda" is a humorous name for the micronation aspect
of the tiny uninhabited Caribbean island of Redonda.
This islet is situated between the islands of Nevis and Montserrat,
within the inner arc of the Leeward Islands chain, in the West Indies.
The history of the "Kingdom" of Redonda is shrouded in doubt and
legend, and it is difficult to separate fact from fiction.
M. P. Shiel, an author of works of fantasy fiction, was the first
Redonda"), and has created a literary prize with the same name. The
reward is several thousand euros and a Redondan duchy.
Several Spanish and foreign artists and writers have been granted
Redondan "titles" by Javier Marías, including Pedro Almodóvar (Duke of
Bahia Redonda is within one of the world's unique cruising areas, the
Mochima Maritime National Park. The Park contains over 35 islands,
secluded beaches and crystal clear waters stretching eastward toward
Margarita, the island famous for its pearls and Cubagua, site of the
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* Volta Redonda is most closely identified with Brazils?
* Qual astronauta disse que a terra redonda?
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Mentioned in
* Volta Redonda (city of eastern Brazil on the Paraíba River)
Redonda, no evidence has been provided for this since 9
September 2008, including a mentioned copy of a "Deed of
Irrevocable Covenant". The Micronational Professional Registry
Montedoglio to the Kingdom of Redonda until strong evidence is
presented to the contrary.
For information about the Wikipedia's unrecognised kingdoms of
Redonda, please go to this link.
Redonda is a member nation of the organisation.
Because of current claims, the Kingdom of Redonda lacks any
territorial consistency, but its significance, in the words of HRH
Giancarlo Ezio I, resides not in the exercise of territorial power and
micronations with which the Kingdom of Redonda has official relations.
In the Kingdom's charitable works, great emphasis is placed on
projects with the Bolivian Chaco tribe, work which now benefits from
the on-site presence of Franciscan monks, and the generosity of many
ROCA Redonda Drop-In Basin - BiscuitThis round drop-in basin is
available in three colors and works well in any bathroom. The simple
design allows you to pair it with a variety of faucets. Made of
vitreous china. No user ratings See More Like This
Volta Redonda is most closely identified with Brazils?
Qual astronauta disse que a terra redonda?
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Classical Work. Copyright © 2009 All Media Guide, LLC
Valencia, V 46001 SpainOverviewPlaza Redonda is one of those little
corners of the city that possess a special kind of charm, much
appreciated by tourists, visitors and residents alike. Easily
accesible from... more SPONSOR LINKS
Valencia Hotel Deals
Redonda is a very small, uninhabited CaribbeanCaribbean
The Caribbean is a region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands
, and the surrounding coasts. The region is located southeast of the
) deposits of Redonda were minedMining
Mining is the extraction of value minerals or other geology materials
from the earth, usually from an ore body, vein or seam. Materials
recovered by mining include base metals, precious metals, iron,
Redonda is internationally known, in a minor way, as a micronationMicronation
Micronations — sometimes also referred to as model countries and new
country projects — are entities that resemble independent nations or
states but which are unrecognized by world governments or major
the only one during which Redonda was inhabited. The population
reached its apex in 1901, with about 120 Redondans. The mining
operations and the island itself were abandoned during the First World
War; Redonda has been uninhabited ever since.
starts as Redonda was proclaimed a personal kingdom by a Matthew Dowdy
Shiell in 1865. A wholly fanciful claim, which has nonetheless
flourished. Currently, there are rumoured to be no less than nine
claimants to the Redondan throne.
and serials, and is the reason why the history of Redonda has had a
literary twist to it ever since. The villain in Shiel's serialised
novel The Yellow Danger, Dr. Yen How, is said to have helped shape the
better-known Fu Manchu. Shiel's most acclaimed book is The Purple
Redonda came in the news in mid-2007 when the Wellington Pub in
Southampton, England, attempted to declare itself an ‘embassy’ of
the uninhabited island in order to gain diplomatic immunity from a
Foreign Office responded that since Redonda is not an official
nation, no such exemption can apply.
I had heard of Redonda, but not of this latest story, to which I was
to the south, Casa Redonda Suites is located in the heart of the Sian
Ka'an Biosphere Reserve. The area is a sprawling collection of clear
saltwater flats, crystalline mangrove shorelines, secluded lagoons,
and scattered mangrove islands.
Yucatan, Casa Redonda Suites is priveleged to be able to offer access
to ancient mayan ruins once un accessible to visitors, Chac Mool &
A perfect example of a true Eco Adventure destination, Casa Redonda
"The Main House", Casa Redonda, has two large private suites with
oversized private baths, a full service kitchen and a large waterview
living & dining area. Casa Redonda is wrapped with a spectacular
waterfront deck overlooking the Caribbean. Casa Redonda is perfect for
As a destination, Casa Redonda is perfect for private groups of 4 to 6
Casa Redonda accesses one of the last remote, virtually unexplored
wilderness in the Caribbean. The Caribbean to the east and Laguna
Although Redonda is a dependency of Antigua and Barbuda, it is seldom
mentioned and it seems not much is known about it here in our
twin island state. Redonda is one huge rock with a few grassy patches
here and there
Redonda was found to have much phosphate on the island due to the
droppings of seabirds over the eons. In the 1860s, the island was
worked for its bird guano because of a worldwide demand for calcium
Redonda is known worldwide for its curious catalogue of whimsical
‘Royal Characters' created by famous British literary figures. There
have been many 'Kings' of Redonda, there is a 'High King' and many
pretenders. It all started in 1865, when a Montserratian ship-owner,
true for Redonda as much controversy has arisen over this fanciful
title that really means nothing at all! Whoever now rightly holds the
title of ‘King' we are sure he has a philosophy of ‘Live and Let
The island of Redonda has been known ever since Columbus as a marker
for ships and lately yachts sailing up and down the Eastern Caribbean.
But very few people have landed as the island's sheer cliffs plunge
straight down into the sea
all the help that Redonda has given the tourist industry. Be worthy of
the Realm".
We have bowed humbly to most of his suggestions and so We hereby
announce to the world that on May 31st of this year onboard the
Redonda Pen is made from a corn starch resin right here in the United
States. Manufactured without any petroleum, the custom Redonda Pen
makes tree-huggers smile.
If you are campaigning for environmental change, what good is your
Redonda Drop-In Basin - BiscuitThis round drop-in basin is available
in three colors and works well in any bathroom. The simple design
allows you to pair it with a variety of faucets. Made of vitreous
china. Overall dimensions: 14-1/4" diameter x 6" H (± 1/2").
In 1979 one of the few visits to Redonda was perilously carried out to
celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Kingdom. Juan II took a party
with him on a small yacht and they all leapt off into the surf by the
pay you retrospective taxes for all the help that Redonda has given
the tourist industry since circa 1939 ... but you will have had to
make your intentions clear to the world's press so that the story
breaks when you are outside Antiguan/Barbudan waters and heading
The Duke of Bayview has said Redonda is a kingdom of the mind - a
sympathetic and welcoming refuge for people whose finer sensibilities
are offended by the mindless materialism, unbridled greed and
soul-destroying competition which have become hallmarks of the age.
Bahia Redonda is pleased to announce the availability of Wireless
Internet Service at the marina for all our clients.
Any user with the appropriate equipment who is within range of the
marina's Wi-Fi hotspot can access the wireless web page, request
Casa Redonda is a two bedroom, two bath house located on the road to
Langosta, just a one minute walk to the beach, a three minute walk to
shops and restaurants.
The house is round and is surrounded by patios. There is secured
but the Title of Monarch of Redonda had been established, and its
unbroken line of Kings survives to this day.
When the son, Matthew Phipps Shiell, was fifteen years old, his father
abdicated as King, and the son's Coronation (the last to take place in
the second king of Redonda, Matthew Phipps Shiell took the Title of
King Felipe. On completing his education on Barbados, the young king
moved to England, where he eventually established himself as a popular
novelist. He was never to return to the Caribbean, and the Redondan
The Redonda Phosphate Company had been established in 1869, under
licence from the British Government, to remove large quantities of
phosphate-bearing ore from the island, for processing as artificial
fertiliser. Labour was obtained from Montserrat, and accommodation,
the installations survive on Redonda, but the island is now abandoned,
and has become a refuge for sea-birds, reptiles, a herd of goats and a
colony of burrowing owls recently displaced from Antigua, under whose
jurisdiction it remains.
Meanwhile, M.P
Redonda is pledged by the terms of his Irrevocable Covenant to
maintain and extend the Intellectual Aristocracy of the Kingdom, to
preserve and develop the Realm itself for posterity and to keep the
memories of M.P.Shiell and John Gawsworth green
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