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about the John Lennon album. For the title track, see Mind Games
(song). For other uses, see Mind Games (disambiguation).
Mind Games
Mind Games cover
Studio album by John Lennon
silent "Nutopian International Anthem" were the only political tracks
on the album.
In a moment of cheekiness, Mind Games's closer, "Meat City", contains
a favourite Lennon curse, ("Fuck a pig!"), sped up and
The flag of Nutopia has only one colour: white. Some criticised this
association with surrender, but Lennon and Ono defended that
association, saying that only through surrender and compromise can
peace be achieved. U2 later adopted the Nutopian flag as a part of
The seal of Nutopia is a picture of the marine animal of the same name,
a seal.
A plaque engraved with the words "NUTOPIAN EMBASSY" was duly installed
at their home at the Dakota. Yoko remarked that guests in her home
In 2006, a Nutopia website was created by Lions Gate Entertainment,
the producers of the documentary The U.S. vs. John Lennon.
Track listing
All songs by John Lennon, except where noted.
Declaration of Nutopia was created by John Lennon April 1st 1973
allegiance to Nutopia, whose flag was pure white and whose system of
government was that of Cosmic Law. John and Yoko also requested that
Nutopia be admitted to the United Nations.
This all stemmed from Johns ongoing immigration problems, the battle
announcement of Nutopia came soon after this, on April 1 (April Fools
Day), at a press conference in New York (there are photos that were
taken on this day of John and Yoko waving the white flags-actually
tissues-of Nutopia)
NUTOPIA has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people.
NUTOPIA has no laws other than cosmic.
All people of NUTOPIA are ambassadors of the country.
As two ambassadors of NUTOPIA, we ask for diplomatic immunity and
Welcome to the Nutopia Flying Disc Federation, This is the online home
of the NFDF of the conceptual country of Nutopia.We have 22 pages.
Make another one.
* Community
* Projects
* Lennono
NUTOPIA has no laws other than cosmic. All people of NUTOPIA are
ambassadors of the country. As two ambassadors of NUTOPIA, we ask for
diplomatic immunity and recognition in the United Nations of our
country and its people.
Nutopia is a land that has always existed. It is the true nature of
the world that exists when each person is allowed to be free and all
the resources of our world are shared equally. John Lennon was the
In simple terms, Nutopia is a land declaring Love as its one language
and only Law, and peace, unity, and healing of the whole planet as its
ultimate goal.
We have a precise and important mission - TO HEAL AND UNITE THE WORLD
central station and become a Nutopian! Now is the time! This is the
call out to all peaceful warriors and guardians of the Planet. This is
the call!
As you will hear in the musical Anthem that was written for Nutopia,
we say
The design of Nutopia, says Jonathan Glancey, is as innovative as the
technology it offers up on its sleek, streamlined terminals
Ever since Stanley Kubrick released his magisterial 2001: A Space
Odyssey people have dreamed of inhabiting the film's supercool
Nutopia is at 42 SheitonStreet, London WC2.
Hybrid Space is published by Thames & Hudson, price 24.95
Garden's Piazza, Nutopia is a friendly mix of interactive rnedia art
space, chill-out zone and computer laboratory - picture a set frorn
Kubrick's 2001 (minus the lippy computer Hal) and you'll get the idea.
From coffee to art
Nutopia is very much in its embryonic phase, but Managing Director
Grant Mitchell and IT Director George Philippakos both believe that
"The sky is the limit". So what, exactly, do these two have up their
Nutopia is a conceptual country created by John Lennon and Yoko
Ono on April Fool's Day 1973. This country (or nation) was
supposed to live up to the standards set by the song "Imagine"
In the official declaration of Nutopia, it is stated that it
"has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people.
Nutopia has no laws other than cosmic
The flag of Nutopia has only one colour: white. The seal of
Nutopia is a picture of the marine animal of the same name. The
"Nutopian International Anthem" was included on John Lennon's
A plaque engraved with the words "NUTOPIAN EMBASSY" was duly
installed at their home at the Dakota. It is believed that the
whole affair was a jibe at Lennon's ongoing immigration
In 2006 a Nutopia website was created by Lions Gate
Entertainment, the producers of the documentary "The U.S.
Versus John Lennon."
“Nutopia has no land, no boundaries, no passports, only people.
Nutopia has no laws other than cosmic. All people of Nutopia are
ambassadors of the country. Citizenship of the country can be obtained
by declaration of your awareness of Nutopia.”
Nutopia Forum two years ago when there were just 5 members! He got to
know the group through assistant circles and working with Platon, and
being chosen for the Emerging Artists is well deserved. If any you
Glenn, one of the founding members of the Nutopia Forum, is having an
opening tomorrow night. Glenn would occasionally host the Nutopia
Forum at his bachelor pad in Brooklyn back in the day. Rumour has it
there were occasions when only Andreas would show up and the two of
Street, WC2, Nutopia is a cybercaff dressed up for the Wallpaper
generation. The venue features Phillipe Starck (as in Starck
bollock-naked) chairs, two big fish tanks and 40 Apple flat-screen
monitors. Here's some blurb from the Web site: "Challenging the
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Nutopia was written around 1997/8 when I had a room at Fortress
Studios. Fortress was pretty much the hippest place in London at the
time. All the Pop Stars and Celebrities like Primal Scream, Kate Moss
and Oasis hung out there
Nutopia is a country that exists in all of us. John and I created this
imaginary world. We called a press conference and produced a white
handkerchief from our pockets and said "This is a flag to Surrender to
micronations documentary
nutopia naked
cosmic law john lennon
"no laws other than cosmic"
nutopian embassy