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GFDLOriginal source: Flag of the Principality of Hutt River
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known as Hutt River Province, is Australia's oldest micronation. It
remains a self-proclaimed independent sovereign state since its
Leonard George Casley founded the Hutt River Province on April 21,
1970, when he and his associates proclaimed their secession from the
The Principality of Hutt River is situated 595 km north of Perth,
Western Australia and is about 75 square km in area, consisting of
some 18,500 acres of land.
Hutt River is an Independent Sovereign State having seceded from
The first Hutt River coins were not issued until 1976. The currency of
the Hutt River Province Principality is the Hutt River Dollar, which
is divided into 100 cents. The Hutt River Dollar is tied at a
one-to-one ratio with the Australian dollar.
The Principality of Hutt River is situated 517 km north of Perth along
the Hutt River. It is about 75 km² (approximately 18,500 acres) in
size. Exports include wildflowers, agricultural produce, stamps and
coins, while tourism is also important to its economy.
Since 2 September 2004, Hutt River Province Principality has had the
authority to accept company registrations. At least one company
experienced in the registration of entities in traditional offshore
jurisdictions (British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands etc.) as tax
When the Principality of Hutt River seceded, a Bill of Rights was
drafted. This Bill of Rights was, as the name suggests, a brief
document outlining the rights of "Hutt River" citizens. It also
provided for an Administration Board to govern over the principality
The Hutt River Province Principality is a self-proclaimed independent
nation-state consisting of an approximately seventy-five square
kilometre enclave located 595 kilometres north of Perth, on the
western side of the Australian continent. It was founded on 21 April,
Now I'll bet you're asking where the blazes Hutt River Province is and
who is Prince Leonard. Well, he's an Aussie, and Hutt River Province
is what he chose to call his homeland after he seceded from Australia.
Some years ago he had a disagreement with the government Down Under,
The currency of Hutt River is the Hutt River Dollar which is divided
into 100 cents and is valued at a one to one ratio with the Australian
dollar. The principality has issued 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent coins as
But Hutt River lives on and the business of empire continues to this
day. The principality still sells stamps and banknotes and has again
offered new issues of coinage. The Principality celebrated its 30th
Hutt River Province(Principality) is one of the pre-internet inspired
micronations. Located in Western Australia, it was founded on
21.4.1970 by wheat farmer, Leonard George Casley and others who
seceded from the Commonwealth of Australia because of crushing changes
who now has fleed the country, the Hutt River Province has a small
community of twelve.
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Communicate with other Citizens
On the 15th of February the Legislation Committee launched a
discussion forum on its website. The Legislation Committee invites
The Legislation Committee of the Hutt River Province has launched a
new website.
You will be able to look at recent proposed legislative changes to the
Principality and read about the background and legality of the
The Hutt River Province is without doubt the most prolific
coin-issuing secessionist state in history, having released well over
two hundred unique coin types over a period of nearly thirty years.
The history of these issues encompasses four periods:
the mid 1970s note that Hutt River currency was exchangeable at that
time for other foreign currencies at the Hong Kong offices of Deak &
Company. It is not known for how long this arrangement remained in
2. Early Precious Metal Coins 1979-84:
acrimonious involvement with the Hutt River Province is explored in
more detail elsewhere on this website.
The period began with a steady stream of new commemorative releases,
but this very quickly became a flood as the various firms
The Principality of HUTT RIVER is a constitutional, hereditary and
democratic monarchy.
Current sovereign is H.R.H. Prince Leonard. Hereditary Prince is the
Prince IAN.
Government is exercised, under the High Authority of the Prince, by a
Naturalization rule of " HUTT RIVER PRINCIPALITY" is governed by a Law
, the " HUTT RIVER Nationality Act " of November 23, 1997, who
recognizes the right for the double Nationality.
The nationality of the Principality of HUTT RIVER can be acquired on
The citizenship of HUTT RIVER PRINCIPALITY is realized by a
Certificate of Naturalization and by a passport which remains the
property of the State. Abroad, the national must be registered with
the most closest Consulate.
The Commander-in-chief of the "Royal Hutt River Defence Forces" is the
Prince Leonard sovereign of the Principality.
Abroad, the Officers of the "Royal Hutt River Defence Forces" (RHRDF)
, every volunteer, have exclusively a ceremonial and charitable role:
HUTT RIVER PRINCIPALITY and its friendly neighbourhood is susceptible
to know certain tourist development. Projects are ready for the
creation of an artificial lake and for the extension of the capacity
of hotel residence.
"Excentré" with regard to the big Australian metropolises, HUTT RIVER
The Hutt River is one of the most significant features of the city,
which occupies the lower regions of its flood plain. In the 20th
century stopbanks were built to contain the river, but the threat of
flooding as the result of heavy rainfall persists
mouth of the Hutt River proved unsuitable, and a move was made to
Lambton Harbor on the west shore. In 1840 the settlement was named
after Britain's first duke of Wellington in recognition of aid given
by him. In 1865 Wellington replaced Auckland as the capital of New
The Principality of Hutt River (PHR) is an Independent Sovereign State
having seceded from Australia on the Twenty First Day of April 1970
and is comparable in size to Hong Kong, though the Principality is
larger than many countries such as Andorra, Lichtenstein, Monaco, and
The Principality of Hutt River is situated within Western Australia
and is about 75 square km in size, consisting of approx 18,500 acres
of mainly flat or undulating farmland, well covered in places with a
wealth of shrubs and beautiful wildflowers. The economy is based upon
command of the Chief of the Royal Hutt River Artillery, was founded in
2005 as part of the 1st North American Royal Guards. The
Colonel-in-Chief of the 1st Regiment of Royal Artillery is the
Sovereign of the Principality of Hutt River.
The Motto of the Royal Hutt River Artillery is "Quo Fas Et Gloria
Ducunt," which is Latin for "Whither Right and Glory Lead." The RHRDF
in the ribbon below the crown is for the Royal Hutt River Defense
Forces, which represents all of the military units of the Principality
The Hutt River Province Principality is Australia's oldest micronation.
It is located on a large farming property several hundred kilometres
north of Perth. The Province was founded on 21 April, 1970 by farmer
Leonard George Casley (who now styles himself as Prince Leonard), when
Hutt River Province is situated 595 km north of Perth, and is about 75
square km in size. Exports include wildflowers, agricultural produce,
stamps and coins, while tourism is also important to its economy.
Since 2 September 2004, Hutt River Province Principality has accepted
company registrations. At least one company experienced in the
registration of entities in traditional offshore jurisdictions
(British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands etc.) has been authorised to
act as a registered agent for HRPP incorporations.Template:Fact
When the Hutt River Province "seceded," a Bill of Rights was drafted.
This Bill of Rights was, as the name suggests, a brief document
outlining the rights of "Hutt River" citizens. It also provided for an
Administration Board to govern over the Province until a permanent
It states that Hutt River is an Independent Sovereign State having
seceded from Australia on April 21, 1970. It adds its Prince Leonard
named parts of the Principality with such identities as Lake
Beginning, Mount Secession, Lake Serenity and Wild Boar Gorge.
The statement said the Hutt River Province is a privately owned
wheat-growing property."It has no separate sovereignty and remains
subject to the Australian Constitution and the laws of Australia."
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* The Hutt River is easily accessible for most of its length. It is
even able to be fished for trout - a fishing licence is required.
* 'Petone beach and especially the Eastbourne beaches are popular
* The Hutt River is easily accessible for most of its length. It is
even able to be fished for trout - a fishing licence is required.
* Mountain bike the Karapoti! Every year mountainbikers from around
The Hutt River is 54kms long
The Hutt River is a steep alluvial river that starts in the Tararua
Ranges and enters Wellington Harbour at Petone. The river drains
mountainous terrain in the southern Tararua and Rimutaka Ranges and
The Hutt River floodplain has extensive urban development and the
river is confined to a narrow channel. The flood protection works
cannot stop the river flooding, but they can try to keep the
floodwater between the stopbanks and away from homes and businesses.
Birchville, Upper Hutt, the 29km Hutt River Trail is an easy scenic
walk and cycle path. It also allows access to the river for swimming,
fishing and kayaking.
The Trail runs the entire length of the eastern riverbank. There are
The Principality of the Hutt River Province is a self-proclaimed "independent
nation". It was founded on 21 April, 1970 by farmer Leonard George
Casley (now describing himself as Prince Leonard) when he and his
associates proclaimed their secession from Western Australia, a state
of Australia.
The Royal Mint of Hutt River was established under the control of the
Treasury of Hutt River in early 1976.
Prince Richard - Treasurer.
Initially in those hectic years immediately following the secession it
The Hutt River is a highly regarded water that offers a range of trout
fishing options within easy access of the capital city of New Zealand.
View maps
Fish type
its length, the Hutt River has a good population of mostly brown
trout. It has a mixture of pools, rapids and runs and offers good
fishing throughout its length, even in those areas that flow through
densely populated suburbs
The Principality of Hutt River is almost 600 kilometres north of
Perth, past the town of Northampton. Hutt River is a Sovereign State
having seceded from Australia in 1970, following a dispute between the
land owners and the Western Australian Government over the State
Having heard the story of Hutt River several years ago Julia was
determined to travel to the Province and become a citizen, to fulfil
her dream of officially representing Prince Leonard and his people.
"I've made the journey to Geraldton especially because I wish to
Julia was given a royal welcome in Hutt River and once the papers were
signed and sealed she was able to proudly state that she is the
official sporting representative for the sovereign state.
"I am now the official representative of the Hutt River Province in
But Hutt River's self-appointed 'Prince' Leonard Casley says while he
knows of the man, he has only ever visited his so-called principality
Hutt River Province is a privately-owned wheat property north of
Geraldton and, despite Mr Casley's claims it has seceded, remains part
hutt river province one hundred dollars
hutt river dollar
hutt river population
hutt river province military
principality of hutt river citizenship