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About ForvikWhat Forvik Stands ForWhere is ForvikMap of ForvikPapa
Stour and ShetlandThe Forvik FlagNational AnthemAbout Stuart
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Forvik is now like Shetland in microcosm. Once the lightbulb went off
in my head that Forvik represents the true status of Shetland and that
the existing authority is actually an illegal regime, it made it easy
Forvik has no religious or party political affiliations.
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The Crown Dependency of Forvik is a micronation located on the
2.5-acre (10,000 m2) island of Forewick Holm in the Shetland islands
of Scotland.
It was created by the island's disputed owner, sole occasional
occupant and Cunningsburgh resident Stuart Hill, in June 2008
The name Forvik Island was coined by Hill who asserts that it means
"island of the bay of sheep". Wick is the Gaelic development of vik,
a Norse word for bay. Holm is a common name in the Orkney and Shetland
"Forvik" is not a recorded historical form, but a pseudo-Norse version
of "Forewick", which is the name of a headland on the adjacent island
of Papa Stour.
Dependence, replied that, "Under the UK constitution, Forvik is part
of the Shetland Islands, which is subject to UK legislation. The
people of Shetland pay taxes to the United Kingdom exchequer and elect
MPs to the UK parliament. Forvik is an integral part of the UK."
Forvik project is to expose that deception and make the government
The long term aim is to help stop the concentration of wealth in the
hands of a corrupt elite world-wide.
"Forvik Island" is the name which has been given to Forewick Holm by
Stuart Hill. Around mid June 2008 Hill claimed to have "recently"
become the owner of the small (approx total area 1 hectare/approx 2.5
acres) and previously rather insignificant, relatively unknown islet
Island", or "Forvik" for short, a dependent territory was made public.
The Declaration of Dependency was subsequently made on June 21st 2008.
A vast amount of information is now available. Mr Hill is understood
to have established residency on the isle sometime shortly before
that although he spent as much time as he could on "Forvik", and had
mobile/cell phone coverage, he did not have internet access. Therefore
it had been, and would remain necessary for the forseeable future,
that he spend some of his time in his Shetland Mainland office. This
style small boat to a more sheltered anchorage at "Forvik", as she was
starting to fill with water, due to a rising swell driven on SE winds
gusting to Force 6 and 7. Once underway, in darkness, Hill, apparently
having completely underestimated the full strength of the swell, found
been set initially at the annual rate of one Forvik Gulde, which is
the territory's own currency, backed by gold, with an exchange rate
based on current gold values of approx GB Pounds Sterling 55 = 1
Forvik Gulde, and due to be made available later in 2008. The Skat
"Forvik Island" is declared to have no religious or party political
affiliations, and no connection with any other organisation.
The "Forvik" Flag, reproduced with permission from http://www.forvik.com
The "Forvik" Flag, reproduced with permission from
statement was made concerning the "Forvik" currency: "1 Gulde is about
£60 sterling. There are 100 groats in a Gulde. One groat is about
£12", however this was revised on June 25th 2008 to the more
reasonable "One groat is about £0.6".
balance of 4 Forvik Gulden per plot sold at a cost received for each
plot sold of 5 Forvik Gulden, which would have amounted to a maximum
of 32,000 Forvik Gulden/approx GB Pounds Sterling 1.76 Million, was
not stated at that time. Under the revised pricing structure for plot
Forvik Declaration of Direct Dependence can be found here or here.
Since his somewhat unusual arrival in Shetland in 2001, as a
shipwrecked lone sailor, Mr Hill has been a longtime and tireless
campaigner for Shetland Independence, arguing that, in his opinion,
"Honorary Citizenship's" of Forvik Island and had requested Mr Hill
stop this practice on a number of occasions, but had been ignored.
Mail addressed to Mr Hill had also been sent to his address in Papa
Forvik island's only resident, Stuart Hill, said his new territory off
the west coast of Shetland recognises neither the British government
nor the European Union and should become a Crown dependency like the
Channel Islands.
In other words, the rocky, 2.5-acre (1
island of Forvik in the Shetland Islands in the North Sea, said he no
longer recognised the authority of the government or the European
Union, and cited a centuries-old royal marriage dowry deal as the
basis for his claim.
He is Forvik's only resident, and his home is a tent on the
storm-battered island. He says on his website that he plans to create
Forvik's own currency - the "gulde" - print his own stamps and raise
his own flag.
Forvik, do declare that the said island of Forvik owes no allegiance
to any United Kingdom government, central or local, and is not bound
by any of its statutes. I offer my services as Steward to Her Majesty
Forvik is intended to provide a model on which Shetland could work.
The shield contains the rampant lion of Norway (without crown),
holding aloft a legal scroll. The motto 'Með løgum skal land biggja'
is that used by the Shetland Islands Council
Future Citizen of Forvik's Network is private.
Answers International:
Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Hong Kong India
Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Philippines Quebec
Singapore South Korea Spain Taiwan Thailand United Kingdom United
Forvik island's only resident, Stuart Hill, said his new territory off
the west coast of Shetland recognises neither the British government
nor the European Union and should become a Crown dependency like the
Channel Islands.
Forvik doesn’t seem qualify, but whether that matters remains to be
seen. In any event, Hill seems to have a semi-serious claim here. And
he has invited immigrants to his new nation, which has drawn inquiries
from round the world, apparently.
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which he calls Forvik, was a "Crown Dependency," and thus an
independently-administered jurisdiction. This, effectively, means that
he severed ties between his two-acre isle and the United Kingdom, as
well as the European Union. He is currently accepting applications for
The island of Forvik has been Governed by the U.K. for more than five
centuries. At the moment, the only occupant is 1 individual who came
to the island after his ship was capsized during a major storm.
Forvik has broken away from the United Kingdom, quit the EU and become
a crown dependency.
And in the months to come, Hill plans to mint his own currency - in
The new Crown Dependency of Forvik, little more than a week old, has
been besieged not by hoards of people wishing to emigrate to the
remote Shetland Isle, but by press and camera crews following the
creation of the world's newest "nation".
Forvik, which contains only one building (with a tarpaulin roof) is
all of 2.5 acres in size and Hill is its only inhabitant, and he will
doubtless be seen as the latest in a line of secessionist UK
eccentrics which includes King Michael of Sealand (a former WW2 gun
Forvik island's only resident, Stuart Hill, said his new territory off
the west coast of Shetland recognizes neither the British government
nor the European Union and should become a Crown dependency.
In other words, the rocky, one-hectare outcrop would not be part of
* He is Forvik's only resident, and his home is a tent on the
storm-battered island. He says on his website that he plans to
create Forvik's own currency - the "gulde" - print his own
He is Forvik’s only resident, and his home is a tent on the
storm-battered island. He says on his website that he plans to
create Forvik’s own currency — the “gulde” — print his own stamps
and raise his own flag.
Forewick Holm - renamed Forvik - is a crown dependency, much like the
Isle of Man, which enjoys its own parliament and tax policies.
As most fledging states, Forvik also faces a number of problems. With
Forvik is destined to become a local joke similar to the principality
of Sealand.
“I would, essentially, ignore him,” Shetland convener Sandy Cluness
said. “I have to admire his spirit, but in the real world, we have to
“Under the UK constitution, Forvik is part of the Shetland Islands,
which is subject to UK legislation. The people of Shetland pay taxes
to the United Kingdom exchequer and elect MPs to the UK parliament.
Forvik is an integral part of the UK.”
Our ferry to Forvik takes us about an hour. This ferry has been a bit
delayed, so when we get to the other side, we need to rush to make
sure that we can catch the next ferry that leaves from Anndalsvågen.
forvik micronation
stuart hill, who owns the 2.5 acre island of forvik in the shetland islands
forvik website
forvik shetland
does forvik have only one sole occupant