Picture has been licensed under a
GFDLOriginal source: Seal of the Nation of Celestial Space
Permission: GNU Free Documentation License
Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you explore
space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to
spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto' interface
The Windows package of Celestia is a self-extracting archive;
download it to your computer and then run it.
* Mac OS X
The Mac OS X package is a disk image. Download it to your
Celestia is an open-source project. As such, its source code is
provided and is freely modifiable and redistributable as per the
GNU Public License. Installation instructions are provided in the
Celestia is a 3-D astronomy program created by Chris Laurel. The
program is based on the Hipparcos Catalogue (HIP) and allows users to
travel through an extensive universe, modeled after reality at any
speed, in any direction and at any time in history
Celestia is available for Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
Released under the GNU General Public License, Celestia is free
* 1 Functions
Celestia's support for game pads and joysticks is relatively limited,
employing many keyboard shortcuts instead.
Celestia can be extended with new objects and there are hundreds of
third-party, user-created add-ons available for installation, both
fictional and realistic. The extension mechanism uses Lua as its
The default setting for Celestia's Earth is a spheroid. The irregular
surface of the Earth causes low Earth orbit satellites to seem to be
in the wrong places in the sky when watched from Celestia's ground,
even when the Earth's oblateness is specified.
Celestia was used in the media by the CBS television show NCIS (Season
4, Episode 22: In The Dark). Character Timothy McGee explains what
Celestia is, and how an add-on can allow the user to store a diary
within the program as well
The Celestia Motherlode is a repository for various addons like
textures, models or celestial objects for Celestia. Celestia is a
free, interactive (real-time), 3D astronomy program. It doesn't just
show you the sky as it can be seen from earth as most planetarium
Celestia is an application for real-time 3D visualization of space,
with a detailed model of the solar system, over 100,000 stars, more
than 10,000 galaxies, and an extension mechanism for adding more
DownloadDownload this file from SourceForge
Celestia may skip rendering the mesh even at times when it is actually
in view.
Oblateness f
The oblateness of a spherical object when no Mesh is specified.
Oblateness is defined as 1 minus the ratio of the polar to equatorial
not have to edit them manually every time Celestia is upgraded to a
new version.
There is no Delete editing directive. However, one can use the Replace
directive and define the undesired object to be
Class "invisible"
The editing directives are
Celestia is a free, real-time, 3D space simulation. You can use it to
view our Solar System and the surrounding stars from any viewpoint you
like - from the surface of the Earth, from outside the Galaxy, or
(Celestia usually is not visible.)
* Welcome To The Neighbourhood
Within Celestia, Longitude is measured increasing toward the
East, toward the right side of the image. Often map references
on the Web will say something like "270 degrees of West
Celestia has three directories and two commands which can be used
to change the appearance of an object:
The directories are
1. \textures\lores\,
surfaces while Celestia is running, create an SSC catalog to
define an Alternate Surface. See Section 2.4 for details.
3. Provide an additional image file that has the same name in
of Celestia's default planet surfaces with new ones, this is
not recommended. solarsys.ssc is a plain text file and can
be edited with your favorite text editor: Notepad, Wordpad,
be selected while Celestia is running, or you can create an
Addon that uses the SSC directive "Modify" to substitute a
different Texture command permanently.
replacing the surface texture of a body: Celestia now supports the
use of Alternate Surface Textures.
An AltSurface is declared in an SSC file:
AltSurface definition, though, so that Celestia already knows the
body it uses. An AltSurface declaration specifies its own name
plus the name of the body to which it should be applied.
/opt/kde3/share/apps/celestia is the default and most likely place.
Types of add-ons
Add-ons fall fall roughly into two broad classes: replacement textures
and extras. Since their methods of installation are different, we will
that Celestia is simulating. This could occur with comet
Shoemaker-Levy 9, for example, which crashed into Jupiter during July
1994. Celestia will still take you to a location for objects which no
longer exist, but nothing will be displayed
Celestia is a free space simulation that lets you explore our universe
in three dimensions.
Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the
surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to
All movement in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature
lets you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy
clusters down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A
'point-and-goto' interface makes it simple to navigate through the
Celestia comes with a large catalog of stars, galaxies, planets,
moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's not enough, you
can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with more objects.
Celestia Performing Arts Association is celebrating it's 7th
Join with us in Congratulating all the Past and Present Members of
Celestia, and all our supporters on achieving this milestone
Coming Events
The Celestia project was created back in 1995 by Sir Noktu
Geiistmortt. Celestia still plays a personal form of cold ethereal
Black Metal since the beginning. The first chapter of the Celestia
existence has ended. A new Tragic chapter can now begin.
Celestia is a unique space simulation program for the PC that lets you
and/or your students interactively experience our universe in stunning
three dimensions. Employing over 18 GB of add-on files, it is capable
Instead, Celestia is the only space simulation program that places you
in the command seat of your own hyperdrive spacecraft. Its destination
is yours to set. You can personally travel throughout the Solar System
Celestia is a very accurate program. It depicts the Solar System of
planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets and spacecraft in
vivid detail, and can draw and track over 2 million stars and 10,000
galaxies in real time and proper position
Celestia is in use in millions of locations worldwide, and is
routinely used by high schools, universities, NASA, ESA and other
government space agencies. It has also been employed in movies and in
TV shows
Celestia 151-ED is a customized version of Celestia designed
specifically for Astronomy education containing additional features
for teaching, to include sound and overlay textures. In fact, Celestia
is the only space simulation application to incorporate sound in its
Celestia Educational Activities series is complete and is updated
yearly with the latest in astronomical facts and graphics. The Series
represents 12 detailed tours of space to over 400 destinations. They
are ideal for users of all ages, for home or school computer lab use
Celestia’s Educational Activities were created by Frank Gregorio, an
award-winning high school teacher who is part of the Celestia
development forum. The Activities and required files are 2.5 GB in
celestia software Celestia is a free and open source space simulator
that allows you to explore space right from your computer. Celestia is
available for download on Windows, Mac OS X, and even Linux. Celestia
has many very cool features, including an eclipse finder.
Celestia truly is a space simulator. You can see the orbits of
planets, moons, and comets. You can accelerate time and watch them
move in tandem. You can see where they were located 10,000 years ago
- Celestia now supports flexible reference frames for specifying object
trajectories and orientations. This makes it easier to import new objects
into Celestia that have orbits defined in some reference frame other than
Celestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you visually
experience the universe in three dimensions.
Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia does not confine you to the
surface of the Earth. You can travel throughout the solar system, to
Celestia is a free program available from
http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ ; it is a real-time space simulation
that lets you experience our universe in three dimensions. You can
travel throughout the solar system, or to any of over 100,000 stars
Celestia is open source under a General Public License (GPL) which
means you can copy and distribute source code under certain
conditions, which mostly seems to be providing the full source code in
Celestia header is copyright © 2002, Chris Laurel (see Celestia home
Quest for Celestia is a good children's book that has a little fantasy
and lot of adventure with a good moral. I would recomend this book to
Write a review of Quest for Celestia
Celestia is based on the Hipparcos Catalogue (which is the result of
the European Space Agency's "astrometric" mission from November 1989
to March 1993). It contains more than 118,000 stars.
Celestia is 'n 3D-astronomieprogram
* Deutsch:
Celestia ist ein freies 3D-Astronomieprogramm.
* English:
Celestia is a free 3D astronomy program.
* Español:
Celestia is een Open-sourcesoftware 3D astronomie programma.
* Polski:
Celestia to wolny program astronomiczny 3D
* 1 Icons
Celestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you experience
our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software,
Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth. You can
All travel in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets
you explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters
down to spacecraft only a few meters across. A 'point-and-goto'
interface makes it simple to navigate through the universe to the
Celestia offers breath-taking scenes of space and is incredibly
useful when you need it.... read more
* Meet Dec...
* Review it!
Celestia is expandable. Celestia comes with a large catalog of stars,
galaxies, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and spacecraft. If that's
not enough, you can download dozens of easy to install add-ons with
more objects.
Celestia is an OpenGL-based 3D space simulation for Unix and Win32
that lets you travel through the solar system, to the stars, and even
beyond the galaxy. Visit over 100,000 stars, 100 solar system bodies,
and all known extrasolar planets.
Celestia is the ultimate in law and good. All aspects of Celestia are
beautiful and perfect; it is where the souls of many creatures of
lawful good alignment go to after death. It is home to numerous
As an outer plane, Celestia is spatially infinite, further consisting
of seven infinite layers (or sub-planes). The seven individual layers
form a colossal (perhaps infinite) mountain that rises from an
infinite sea of holy water on the bottommost layer, to the summit on
While Mount Celestia is home to all manner of goodly and lawful beings
including solars, dragons, phoenix, asuras and hollyphaunts, as well
as the souls of the good petitioners of the planes, its native
inhabitants are the varied race of archons
The lowest and first layer of Celestia is Lunia, also referred to as
The Silver Heaven, due to its vast dark Silver Sea of holy water and
beautiful shining cities of white stone. The Silver Sea itself is pure
freshwater, not salt, filled with many aquatic life forms
Celestia is a tad imposing at first, so I went into the Help section.
Celestia’s included help only gives you a run down of all the keyboard
shortcuts, and there are a bunch of them. You’ll want to go to the
The first thing worth noting is that Celestia is a resource hog. I
turned off all other programs and booted Celestia to find that it used
45MB of ram and 100% of my CPU. Celestia’s developers recommend a
Geforce 5xxx or Radeon 9xxx or higher for best results
Celestia is also very expandable. Users can create and submit their
own scripts and textures for anyone to download. From canyons on Mars
to Star Wars starships, you can find anything. I was able to watch the
All in all Celestia is an excellent program for anyone with an eye on
the sky. It may not be practical for those of us outside of the
teaching world, but I couldn’t help but zoom around to different
planets just for the fun of it
Celestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you experience our
universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia
doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth
All travel in Celestia is seamless; the exponential zoom feature lets you
explore space across a huge range of scales, from galaxy clusters down to
spacecraft only a few meters across
Nova Celestia is dedicated to sharing my astronomical illustrations
space art along with astronomical information, with the astronomical
public. The images are FREE to use, as long as they are unchanged
The Windows package of Celestia is a self-extracting archive; download
it to your computer and then run it.
# Mac OS X
The Mac OS X package is a disk image. Download it to your computer,
Celestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you experience
our universe in three dimensions. Navigate through space and visit
Saturn, Mars and the Sun!
Website http://www.shatters.net/celestia/
Direct download link:
An alternative to Celestia is Microsoft Worldwide Telescope.
Favorites , Science
Written November 25, 2005
User Reviews & Comments
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Celestia ReviewThis latest update is awesome news... - Version: 1.5.1,
5/6/2008 06:13PM PST
macaholic ... been waiting for this. Thanks to devs. Post a commentAlert Admin
Celestia Commentaryuses all my CPU just sitting still - Version:
I've just discovered Celestia, it is awesome! ToiletRule (2 maanden
geleden) Toon Verbergen 0 Gemarkeerd als spamAntwoorden I got celestia
on linux JokinJoe (10 maanden geleden) Toon Verbergen 0 Gemarkeerd als
spamAntwoorden I have Celestia, it's the best thing you could ever get
DESCRIPTIONCelestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you
experience our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium
software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth.
You can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000
Thank you for a brilliant program, Celestia is the bomb.
(Version 1.3.2)
Jul 11 2005
ANCIENTYGER a pre-release of 1.4x it has some issues (i've not seen
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